Wednesday, December 23, 2009

and when i needed you all most;

there was noone there .

(original image)


this body hit an iceberg, it seems to sink.
because i'm drowning at the link's brink.

the sucking and plucking of the glee;
i do see, what all of this made me.

this stash of ash has had no reason to flash,
and the splash of gash, was never to rehash.
from that banned pow; and hand now:

the irk that spoke-
i'm not working, lurking with commas anymore;
i'm sticking, flicking to fullstops. It be hardcore.

i'll just have to go with a flow that doesn't exist,
and keep shaking hands with an unclenched fist.
from that caught body and taut embody:

the shirk it say-
there is no such thing has you have no choice.
there's this hidden listening to the inner voice.

but yet it turns out i'm still living, and giving;
and misgiving every form of nature's forgving.

its going the way it is, it doesn't matter what i say.
day by day, its going to be lay the delay of way.

heavens, i just almost forget to say,
wish you merry christmas by the way.


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